Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I know this story is pretty straightforward

And i know I will find someone

To accompany me along the life

Settle down, good career and everything

Since she's made the choice she thinks is right

I can only give her my blessings

The person I love is not my lover

Every inch in her heart has been taken by the other person

Every time I hear them use 'we'

It's just like love, laughing at me, eternally

The person I love has a lover

The look in their eyes tells it all, it's impossible for me

She's really happy and this happiness is cruel

Makes me love and hate how can her love be that deep

(no any meaning, just try to create)


Anonymous said...

not bad...good try...
if u can, try to learn the skill writin poem in Sonnet

sure u can write a better love poem...

Anonymous said...


Reli dint mean anything?

Maried guy?Joking

囚禁者 said...


i really want to try to wri some english poem in sonnet actually.


and then what you think?

Jeannie said...
